Jason Cash

Mr. Cash has been a local first responder for the past 22 years in busy metropolitan cities. For fifteen years, he has been working as a firefighter/paramedic in the city of Long Beach, CA.

On an every day basis, Jason helps people in their worst times. He has witnessed death, destruction, and the cruelty of the human population to one another. He has dealt with a lot of professional and personal life issues that have been placed on his shoulders. Jason has had a great career profile working at one of the busiest firehouses in California. Along with the normal high stress calls for service, Jason experienced on-the-job injuries, legalities, divorce, PTSD and the loss of his second wife to cancer which left him as a single father. 

Overshadowing his passion for helping others wtih his negative coping mechanisms brought him deeper into depression. From all of this he learned when you're at rock bottom you find quicksand, and your life can always get worse if you don't get help. With the help of Jason's great support group, countless therapists, and his current wife Hanna, he was able to grow in a positive direction and use his energy to start Halos 4 Heroes. Also olympic Lifting, running, coaching little league baseball and riding a motorcycle ("handle bar time") are ways he found to clear his head daily.

Halos 4 Heroes, or H4H, was created for First Responders with the intention of helping people who help others. Along the way, H4H has helped Jason repair himself by learning, practicing and teaching positive coping mechanisms. Jason is currently learning more about mental health for first responders and is a peer counselor for his department.